Everything you need on your wrist
The amazing watch design concept
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Made for ‘all’ Skin-Types
These LUTs have been carefully crafted to work well with all shades and skin-tones. Giving the subject a subtle but natural pop of colour, no cast or strange colours. Simply apply the desired LUT, make you’re adjustments and then you’re good-to-go.
Magna LUTs have gone through 2+ years of tests against all skin pigmentations and applied to footage from testers across the globe under varying lighting conditions and geographical colour hues.
Filmed in K-LOG
The LUTs only work with my custom ‘Creative-Style’ for Sony cameras right now (any Sony cam released after the A7SIII excluding the Legacy LUT). This custom profile strips the footage down of colour and contrast, and softens the highlights. When compared to SLOG3 this is giving an easier to work with image with more room for error If underexposed or overexposed whilst providing equal Dynamic-Latitude to SLOG3.
K-LOG lets you shoot as low as ISO100, so NDs may not always be necessary when shooting during the day and/or in bright light.
No Communication Limits
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Fantastic Apps Available
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Easy & Safe Payments
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The Apps You Need
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Simple Interaction Experience
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Explore! You will love it.
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This Is One Amazing Watch
Sed non mauris vitae erat consequat auctor eu in elit.Class aptent tasociosqu ad litora torquent peer incepet mauris in erat justo nullam ac.
Explore! You will love it.
Sed non mauris vitae erat consequat auctor eu in elit. Class aptent tasociosqu ad litora torquent peer sit amet diam.
Accessories for your Flux Watch
Sed non mauris vitae erat consequat auctor eu in elit.Class aptent tasociosqu ad litora torquent peer incepet mauris iny erat justo elementum.